"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way it treats it's children."

"There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires."

Nelson Mandela 1918 - 2013

"It'll be fine in the end; if it's not fine it's not the end."
Tyne Daly as Maxine Gray in Judging Amy

Friday, October 18, 2013

Sad and Happy

Well so much for timely blogging. I'm not gonna beat myself up about it though; life just gets in the way. And sometimes it just won"t MOVE. OUT. OF. THE. WAY. Stupid Life. So inconvenient.

Life has been quite the mix of sad and happy here in my Middle World. My Youngest graduated from high school in May and is now away at college. I have mixed feelings about this; on the one hand I have had a child under my roof constantly for the past thirty one years, so it is a great relief in many respects. I am actually on my own for literally the first time in all my life, with only housemates of the four legged kind to keep me company. The good aspects of this are being able to watch what I want on our only television; being able dress (or UNdress in my case) how I wish, cooking food that I like ( which I did when she was home but she doesn't like that much that I cook, so there was always the issue of not being able to please her palate, so to speak), playing the music that I like as loud as I want to, not feeling guilty when I want to spend more time in the studio on the weekend. The list goes on. The downside is that I now have three cats who all expect to be able to sit in my lap every single time I am NOT standing and be petted, and I miss her. I miss her smile and her laugh and her sharp as hell wit and her quirky sense of humor. I even miss getting in each other's way in the morning.  I don't know about other moms, but I raised my children to be really independent and able to function in the world as productive people. I think I did a pretty good job with that; they are all highly intelligent people who support themselves quite well, even the Youngest who is taking 15 hours this semester and paying her tuition balance through work study. Most important, they are just good people.

A very, very sad part has been my Daughter in Law losing her mother quite tragically in late August when she took her own life. It broke my DiL's heart, and in turn, mine and my son's. I won't go into detail, but I would like to state that my Son has really proven himself as a good man and a good husband. Even though he was also very upset, his main focus was to take care of his wife and support her through the whole thing. She's the oldest of three girls, and was very close to her mom. Top that off with the fact that her mom did it TWO DAYS before her 29th birthday and she has had a tough time and will for a while. I lost my mother when I was 28 to mental illness and I told my DiL it's not something you will ever get over, you just learn to live with the ache. Sort of.

 To end on a much happier note the weather her in the Middle has been absolutely fabulous! Crisp nights and mild days that surely signal Fall is here at last. I am posting a pic of the beautiful flowers I received for my birthday almost two weeks ago from my Son, DiL and First Daughter when we went to dinner at an awesome bbq restaurant,  Sugarfire Smoke House, www.sugarfiresmokehouse.com/. AH-MAY-ZING FOOD people! And the crack pie we split a piece of for dessert?Ummmm Mmmmm Good. :)

Until next time my friends. Peace, love, happiness and safety to you all.


Friday, June 28, 2013

Putting Myself Out There

I have been trying to come with an inaugural post that is “good” enough, but then I thought ”What the hell? Who am I trying to impress? This is my blog, my ramblings, and I’ll say whatever I want to say.” Nobody else likes it; well it wouldn’t be the first time would it? Anyways, enough of that.

So how is everyone on this fine June Friday? Ready for the weekend? I know I am; except I teach tomorrow from 10-12, then my Youngest Child’s graduation party is Sunday from 11-4 and I haven’t done a THING to get ready for it.  I’ll go grocery shopping tomorrow night (nothing like last minute, right?). We’re not a big group, maybe 25 total, and we’re having it at a local park so……….it’ll be fine. AND…………to top it all off, I have several pieces in the faculty show for Craft Alliance where I teach, the opening is tonight and I am pretty nervous. I mean, I make my art to satisfy myself, but I still want my fellow artists to at least think well of what I do, you know?
I haven’t really created anything specifically for public viewing since 2005, so…………….yeah I’m a little nervous.

I’ll have to let you know how it goes……..I’ll take some pics too. Until then, have a wonderful weekend wherever you are.

That wasn’t so bad for a first posting was it? I certainly hope not. :)

Until next time my friends,